Patents Can be Your Secret Weapon to Protect Your Big Data Operation

Patents Can be Your Secret Weapon to Protect Your Big Data Operation The need for, and use of, data has permeated almost every industry, especially as it feeds artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). For many companies, data is the essential ingredient...

Balancing Intellectual Property Rights: Can You Patent The Sun?

Balancing intellectual property rights concerning the COVID 19 vaccine while serving the public good is the dilemma facing our global population today.  Failure to strike a balance creates a conflict between those living in developing countries and those in...

Patent Eligibility and Alice… Not Who, But What?

Patent Eligibility: Is your invention eligible for patent protection? The Supreme Court landmark decision concerning patent eligibility in Alice Corp. v CLS Bank International (decided June 19, 2014), brought to the forefront Section 101 of the U.S. Patent Act, which...
Patents: Frequently Asked Questions

Patents: Frequently Asked Questions

Ference & Associates is a IP boutique law firm whose practice is limited to patents, trademarks and copyrights. We frequently get asked questions about the many aspects of the patent process. While there are a multitude of intricacies that we could dive into, the...